For a highly skilled English-speaking mental health clinician, it should not be so difficult to find work!
Now that I’ve been through the long arduous process of building a private practice as an Expat in Germany, I know it does not need to be so frustrating! I’m motivated to coach other Expat therapists like myself.
There are many residents in Germany from all over the world who, like everyone else, need therapy and counseling. It is difficult to find therapists in Munich speaking English as a native speaker and understanding the cultural adjustment. Join us in offering support to this community!
On September 1st 2021 I opened this “Praxisgemeinschaft”, a shared practice space for counselors, therapists and coaches at Landwehrstrasse 37. We are a community of like-minded professionals that can support one another in their business development as well as in their counseling or coaching work. There is an active Intervision group (Peer Supervision & Consultation Group) as well as an ongoing Coaching Group for Expat therapists new in Germany. This group helps with logistics of setting up a functional counseling practice in Munich, but also with the emotional hurdles and decisions.
There are rooms that remain available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and weekends.
Please contact me for more information: